Patch Notes 0.9.0

With this update, the project reaches its first major milestone. It delivers a completely overhauled experience that feels more like a game and less like a haphazard prototype. This is still early alpha stage though. Most notably the game is still missing long-term goals, which will be a focus of the next major milestone, which I hope to get done in another 6 months.

Disclaimer: version 0.9.X will not be followed by version 1.0. It will be followed by version 0.10.0. I’m mentioning this just to prevent potential misunderstandings over the state of completeness that can often arise when non-programmers are confronted with a semantic versioning scheme.

  • Added brand-new UI!
  • Added placeholder Music!
  • Replaced placeholder locations with locations that are intended to actually be in the game.
  • Locations now are diversified by properties, offering different options and problems at different locations.
  • Added a simple character creation screen.
  • Reworked payment calculation for all job types.
  • Changes to push challenge:
    • is available when total sum in pool is less or equal to the maximum value of a die (previously only if less).
    • Does not require a die anymore, but always causes one stress.
  • Fixed an issue where orbital maneuvers could be completed even though the spacecraft didn’t have enough DV.
  • prevented time costs of skipped challenge answers from being applied if the answer failed when skipped.
  • Fixed an issue where skipping a burn would actually execute the burn in a failed state.
  • Fixed potential CTDs when a challenge answer could be resolved while blocked.

Old savegames not compatible

I’m kind of sorry for that, but it’s going to stay this way with major updates for the near future. As long as there’s no real progress to be made in the game, the effort of migrating savegames is not justifiable. I’ll introduce it when I consider that stage reached, or when people start complaining…

Files 324 MB
Version 0.9.0 Jul 26, 2024 329 MB
Version 0.9.0 Jul 26, 2024

Get Orbital Margins

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